subjects of personal interest

Friday, February 25, 2011

Musical adventures- favorite videos of late

OkGo  "End Love"
This amazing stop motion music video just plain makes me happy.
I absolutely love the super slo-mo work, the goose guest, and the spinning ending in the park.
Talk about artistic cooperation. A musical art take on the huge extras sets of the 60's.
Did I mention that they must have a love of color like yours truly?
Excellent production and editing work. A masterpiece!

Hollerado "Americana"
is another example of stop-motion at its finest. Reminds me of the days when a boyhood friend, Dan Wilckens, and I would be in his basement with his family's VHS camcorder doing stop motion filming. He was a genius. At the time, I knew stop motion had real application beyond Wallace and Grommit-  well here it is!
If you are further interested in the "how-in-the-world-did-they-do-that," just search the video in YouTube and select the video on "the making of Hollerado Americana."
I highly recommend the filming insight.

This is not the official video for Guster'"Satellite"
- somehow I wasn't able to upload that one.
Nevertheless, it is a pretty creative use of their music. A playful use of color, popart, retro vibes, and a healthy dash of cheesiness. Definitely a favorite song of mine though..

La Roux's "I'm Not Your Toy"
I love the song more than the video, though I can certainly appreciate
the scathing take on the phoniness of the jet-set and wealthy lifestyle of business barons.
Martinis, pools, dapper duds, and the shameless pursuit of young and beautiful people for immoral and unprincipled exploitation is cooly presented here by La Roux as the disgusting foolishness it is.
What at first may seem to be a personal indulgence in the MTV "video success formula" 
slowly develops into a clever satire. People are not toys, love people, not stuff. 

The Go Team! "Milk Crisis" 
I don't know what is about this band...I love their instrumental work.
I'm not much a fan of their vocalwork, but here is my favorite-
A staticy overdubbed, live instrument work with a bunch of funky double-dutch, cheerleaderish-calls playing over a pretty sweet retro-modern rock groove.Reminds me of some music I liked as a little kid in the Bronx, watching out of the window of my friend Maureen's apartment as streetkids played in the spray of a fire hydrant below. A blistering hot July summer day; there was some funky, uptempo optimistic youthful music playing behind the sounds of children's laughter. To this day, I don't know what it was, but this song and some of Stevie Wonder's stuff strikes the chord well.

Breakbot "Baby I'm Yours"
Ok- the artist in me kinda goes crazy with this composition. 
How in the world someone had the patience to paint all 5,000(or whatever) number of watercolor plates it took to produce this video is absolutely beyond me. I'm blown away. A nice pictoral development of the theme- I could do without the creepy snake scene, but there's always something a little off in the entertainment world.  I admire the craftsmanship, but try to keep a safe distance from the snares set along the trail.
I do absolutely love the style of this visual work, and a sweet groove of a song to boot!!

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